Prathap Haridoss

NAC 252

Research Area



Prof. Prathap Haridoss works in the areas of Fuel Cells and Carbon Nanomaterials. He has a B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT Madras and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Before joining IIT Madras as faculty, he served as a Senior Scientist at Plug Power, a Fuel Cell company in New York.

He has 3 US patents, several International Journal publications, and has published a book titled Physics of Materials, Essential Concepts of Solid State Physics. His online course on Physics of Materials has over 1 million views. Introduction to Research, an online course he coordinated, has several thousand enrolments each semester.

He served as one of the IIT Madras Coordinators for the National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), one of the world's most extensive online education programmes, with over 1.5 million enrolments each semester. He was also a founding coordinator of the unique IIT Madras programme, BSc in Programming and Data Science, which now has a four-year BS option.

Selected Journal Publications
